The 3 Best Salads and Vegetable Sides To Serve With Pasta

If you’re eating pasta, you want the best salads availability to serve with your pasta as a vegetable side.

Knowing the best salads to serve with pasta can make a difference in the overall meal. If you’re having a meat pasta, then you probably want a light salad to complement the pasta ingredients. Or you may want a light salad or vegetable side if you’re having a rich, creamy pasta. Take a look through our top 3 favorite best salads to serve with pasta.

Best Salads Served with Pasta , Caesar

1. The Best Caesar Salad

Nothing against romaine, but Brussels sprouts give it some healthy competition regarding the base for Caesar salad. However, our customers enjoy grilled seasoned chicken breast as the preferred base.

Best Salads Serve With Pasta, Edamame

2. Edamame Salad

We all know that steamed edamame make a phenomenal appetizer. But it can also be used in a salad or the star of the meal. For vegans and vegetarians, edamame can be game changer when it comes to getting enough non-animal protein. Even for meat lovers, this humble bean has a lot to offer. Flavor, texture, and versatility are just some of the good stuff edamame brings to the table.

Steamed Asparagus Vegetable Side Pasta

3. Microwave Steamed Asparagus

Despite all the ways we love to prepare fresh spring asparagus, microwave steaming might be the very best.

Jane’s Cafe offers the best salads and vegetable sides that are ideal to serve with pasta. Call us at (619) 380-2501 for our full list of salads or view our lunch menu online. You can also order our salads online and other dishes for delivery.

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