Skincare Diet: 5 Foods That Are Damaging Your Skin

No one wants to hear that there are actually foods that are damaging your skin. Especially for the meals and treats we look forward to eating. But is nutrition the best skincare for aging skin? In a word, yes!

Generally speaking, many people forget that skin is an organ. We often see it as an aesthetic feature rather than a vital part of our anatomy. But just like any other organ, the skin needs nutrients to function properly.

5 Foods That Are Damaging Your Skin

In general, the condition of our skin may also reflect the health of our internal organs. For example, skin conditions like melasma and eczema are directly related to our gut health.

In this article, we will briefly discuss five foods that are damaging your skin that causes poor skin aging.


Drinking cow’s milk may increase the risk of developing acne. According to the AADA, acne was common in individuals ages 9 to 15 who drank skim milk. Another study revealed, individuals 10 to 24 years old who didn’t have acne drank less milk that those who had acne.

But there’s no sufficient data to confirm that other daily products, such as yogurt and cheese, contribute to acne breakouts.

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are foods that are made by removing nutrients and fiber from whole foods. These carbs also contain additives, such as salt, sugar, and sweeteners.

According to several studies, refined carbohydrates are one of the primary foods that cause acne.

Our bodies absorb refined carbohydrates faster than necessary. This is why after eat lots of sugary foods you still feel hungry. And these carbs also have a high glycemic index. High G.I. foods causes inflammation and contributes to skin issues like breakouts and rashes. Additionally, unstable blood sugar levels leads to hormonal imbalance, another known factor in acne breakouts.

Red Meat

Although red meat is an excellent source of zinc, it also causes inflammation. In particular, it red meat intake contributes to gut inflammation. Sadly, gut inflammation contributes to skin disorders like rosacea, psoriasis, acne, eczema, and dermatitis herpetiformis.

Although red meat provides nutrients like iron and Vitamin B12. But you you can also get the nutrients of red meat from other foods like:

  • Plant-based foods
  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Eggs

Foods With Gluten

With all the TV ads and online food information, you’ve obviously heard about the health benefits of gluten-free diets.

In essence, a gluten-free diet is highly beneficial for those with celiac disease. Sad to say that celiac disease is difficult to diagnose. And many people are likely to be unaware they even have it.


Caffeine intake can impact the hormonal balance by stimulating the brain to release stress hormones. In addition to that, stress hormones can impact our insulin and blood sugar levels.

As previously mentioned, a hormonal imbalance and increased blood sugar levels can cause skin disorders like acne and skin irritation.

For most people, caffeine is well enjoyed and provides anti-inflammatory benefits. But for other people, caffeine triggers inflammation, which causes skin disorders. However, the different responses to caffeine depends on genetics. If you’re currently experiencing skin problems, try decreasing your caffeine intake and see if your skin health improves.

At Jane’s Cafe, we provide meals that can help you get healthy skin and age better. For your convenience, both food delivery and dine-in options are available. To learn more about our menu, call (619) 380=2501 or visit our cafe!

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