Breakfast On The Go: Creative Ideas

Breakfast On The Go: Creative Ideas
Generally speaking, we all need breakfast on-the-go ideas to get us out the door some mornings. Although a healthy breakfast is a great way to start your day off right, sometimes you’ve already grabbed something different. And well – not so healthy.

And if you’re running late most mornings, there’s no turning back with that chocolate muffin in hand.

Three Breakfast On The Go Creative Ideas

Consider this, if you eat breakfast on-the-go, you can stick to your tight schedule while also eating healthy. So the next time you’re rushing out the door, here are three healthy breakfast ideas to try beforehand.

1. Granola Bars and Oatmeal Squares

Granola bars and oatmeal squares are breakfast staples. But they’re quite messy if you try to eat them while dashing down the sidewalk. Instead, try making these healthy options into a bar for the on-the-go version.

There are obviously plenty of these available in stores, they most of them are full of preservatives. Making a large batch of your own sets you up for breakfast on-the-go for a week of healthy eating. Here’s what you’ll need for vegan oatmeal squares:

  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 banana, chopped small
  • 2.5 cups regular rolled oats (not the instant kind)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups almond milk (or other milk)
  • 2 tbsp nut or seed butter
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup (or other liquid sweetener like Agave syrup)
  • 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp ground flax

Follow the link for full instructions. You can fold in any nuts or fruit that you enjoy for even more flavor.

3. Smoothies

Not only are smoothies healthy and delicious, but they’re also an easy breakfast on-the-go meal. Drinking something is usually easier than eating, especially using a straw. And it does matter if you’re driving to work or already sitting at your desk. You can even prep smoothies in advance to same additional time. For example, make several large batches of smoothies. Then put them in small individual freezer bags and freeze them. Next morning, simply dump the contents of the bag into the blender.

There are so many healthy ingredients you can use to make smoothies. Either vegetable smoothies, fruit smoothies or a combination of the two.

2. Breakfast Burritos

The next best thing to a meal you can eat using a straw is one you can eat with one hand. Burritos are another healthy breakfast you can customize to your individual taste. In essence, you can choose foods you like and roll it up into a tortilla. The objective here though is to healthy ingredients, so no truffles allowed.

For breakfast, ingredients can be eggs, some type of meat, and of course vegetables. The good thing about fat free tortillas is that they have less calories and carbs than bread.

Are you looking at these healthy breakfast ideas and thinking, ‘I don’t have time to prepare meals beforehand’?

Ok, how about these 5 minute breakfast ideas?

  • Single hard boiled egg (made the night before) sliced on ½ of an English muffin and 6 strawberries
  • Whey berry shake; slice of toast with a pat of ghee
  • A tortilla with an egg and raw spinach plus ¼ cup blueberries
  • An apple, 8 almonds (raw) and ½ English muffin
  • One half of an English muffin with almond butter, topped with ½ banana and a dash of cinnamon

Still can’t get out the door on time? Don’t worry, Jane’s Cafe is here to help. With delicious meals delivered to your door, Jane’s Cafe makes healthy eating easier than ever.

To order or for more information, call (619) 380-2501 or order online.

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