Benefits Of Intuitive Eating

In general, intuitive means an innate sense of what is right or wrong. This concept can also be applied to food. Rather than relying on inconsistent diet plans that tell you what to eat, intuitive eating lets you choose.

This approach frees you from the restrictions that often prompt diet relapses and an overall unhealthy lifestyle.

What Is Intuitive Eating?

The process of intuitive eating involves following your body’s natural learning and cues to trust them. First, you’ll need to adapt to the new way of eating. During this stage, you’ll recognize the things that trigger your body’s hunger response.

Understanding these triggers can make the difference between eating because you’re truly hungry and emotional eating. In fact, intuitive eating is a life-long journey of providing your body with the appropriate sustenance. And of course, ignoring emotional cravings.

In essence, the process involves cultivating your own personal eating plan. Rather than trying to follow a set of rules that might work for somebody else, intuitive eating is highly individualized. It’s also a natural way of eating.

Albeit it’ll take some work to flow with this new way of eating, over time, it’ll become second nature. Best of all there are no rules to follow. Intuitive eating principles involve a lifestyle shift that’ll serve you well at every meal.

Some of the key components of this lifestyle include the following:

  • Take Control. Acknowledge that you give yourself permission about what to eat.
  • Respect Your Body. Feed your hunger with nourishing foods that will sustain your body with energy and combat cravings.
  • Be Flexible. Change your thinking from ‘I can never eat unhealthy foods’ to ‘I can eat some unhealthy foods, in moderation’.
  • Enjoy Feeling Satisfied. Recognize that feeling full is your body’s way of saying you’ve had enough to eat for now.
  • Know Your Self-Worth. Understand that what you eat does not identify who you are.

What Are The Benefits?

Now that you know how to eat intuitively, you can begin to expect the benefits. Because there is no diet to follow, you are released from the feelings of defeat that come along with yo-yo dieting. How many times have you fallen off the wagon on a new diet and gained five pounds? With eating intuitively, there won’t be a ‘wagon’ to fall off from!

Also, this way of eating is all about doing what is right for your body. As a result, there’s no shame with eating intuitively. Given these points, you’ll need to understand the difference between listening to your body and giving in to every craving.

Consequently, you will learn to honor your body by fueling it with the right foods. Not only will you achieve the health you deserve, but you’ll also feel better overall.

Here’s an overview of some of the additional perks:

  • No Deprivation. By permitting yourself to eat something, you avoid binge eating that can be prompted by deprivation.
  • Managing Emotions. By avoiding emotional eating, you now have the opportunity to address these issues with the proper resources. For instance, meditation, practicing yoga, or professional counseling, if necessary.
  • Self Care. The process of honoring your body with healthy eating is the best form of self-care.
  • Better Self-Esteem. In your new lifestyle, you learn to love yourself for who you are and not what you eat.

It all begins with a healthy decision, and you can make the change today. At Jane’s Cafe, we want to help jumpstart your healthy lifestyle journey. Check out our healthy alternatives and call use at (619) 380-2501 for more information.

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Benefits Of Intuitive Eating

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