3 Foods That Boost Metabolism

As most of us know, if your metabolism is fast, you burn a lot of calories, even while you sleep. For those of us who aren’t as blessed, there are foods that can help us boost our metabolism.

You probably also know that weight loss is burning off more calories than you are taking in. So, a caloric deficit is what gives you results on the scale and in your waistline. Many people are searching for the secret to weight loss in magic pills and fad diets.

But the reality is, there’s no substitute for eating a healthy, balanced diet. And of course, including exercise to your daily routine. Making health a way of life, you’ll experience sustained weight. Particularly with foods that boost metabolism.

Foods That Boost Metabolism

Food plays an important role in our body’s health. Hence, it is one of the most important components of our body’s health. It provides the energy source that fuels all of our organs, systems, and body functions.

Given these points, below is a list of 3 types of foods that boost metabolism and help your body thrive.

1. Protein

Foods rich in protein have been linked to increased metabolic function. Consuming protein sources like eggs, nuts, fish, meat, seeds, legumes, and dairy may increase your metabolism for hours after consumption. Why? Because protein requires more energy to digest. This concept is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). Protein has a stronger thermic effect than digesting other macronutrients like fat and carbohydrates.

Additionally, peanuts, peas, lentils, and beans contain fiber. As such, it regulates your digestive system and promotes improved gut health.

2. Cayenne Pepper

Yes, cayenne pepper has been touted for reducing appetite and revving up metabolism. The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is call capsaicin. And researchers believe that this chemical is thermogenesis in nature. What does that mean? Well, it may boost your metabolism by increasing the caloric burn rate.

3. Fruits and Vegetables

Our body need adequate amounts of water to successfully perform its function. Not to mention, the way it processes calories. When our cells get dehydrated, our bodies cannot adequately process or break down calories. As a result, it significantly slows our metabolism.

The best way to stay hydrated is to drink about an ounce of water for each pound you weigh a day. To give your body an added boost of hydration, try replacing your usual dry or salty snacks. For example, eat sliced celery, berries, cucumber, or watermelon instead. These high water content fruits and vegetables are very high in water content. They also contain fiber and nutrients that can help improve your health.

Why It’s Crucial to Boost Your Metabolism

A fast metabolism flushes toxins quicker, lower blood pressure, and decrease inflammation in the body. Although there may be predisposing conditions that lead to slow metabolism, this can be remedied. It’s more than possible to strengthen your metabolism with the right nutrition and food choices.

Maintaining a healthy weight and boosting your metabolism offers significant health benefits. For instance, improved cardiovascular health, stronger immune function, better digestive health, and more. Managing your weight can also decrease your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and certain types of cancer.

At Jane’s Cafe, our meals are prepared with fresh, high quality whole ingredients. For a taste of what we offer, check out our carefully-curated menus.

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